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Tornedale Infant Academy

Tornedale Infant Academy

Key Stage One

Children starting Year 1 are gradually introduced to a more traditional approach to learning, although there are still many similarities with the Early Years curriculum.

Learning through exploration, challenge and discovery is still valued. The children still have opportunities to learn through practical approaches to learning. The teaching of Maths and Literacy is timetabled in hourly blocks each day. Learning still has a cross curricular approach through topics. A topic is a theme that links together different curriculum areas.

The Subject areas in Key Stage One are:

  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • Information Communication Technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Music
  • Religious Education
  • Physical Education
  • Design Technology

We also have a responsibility to teach Personal, Health, Social, Citizenship Education (PHSCE), as well as the British Values – Mutual Respect, Tolerance of Different Beliefs and Faiths, Democracy and the Rule of Law and Individual Liberty. Some aspects of the curriculum do not fit with topics so then they will be taught alone. The National Curriculum is the guidance that is used to ensure all children are taught everything they need to be, for each subject at that stage in their education. Teachers in Year 1 and 2 plan the curriculum from this document every half term. Every week they do more detailed plans which take account of your child’s individual needs.